Author: Catherine Addington

Tips for Creating Sensory-Friendly Prayer Spaces | Eli’s Quiet Friend

Print Visit Author Site inspired by the book Eli’s Quiet Friend Get the Book


Growing in Virtue Chaplet | Growing in Virtue One Vice at a Time

Pray Print Listen inspired by the book Growing in Virtue One Vice at a Time with a Crabby Mystic...

Pray the Rosary (with the Daughters of St. Paul)

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Virtue Rosary | Real Life with Mary

Pray Print Listen inspired by the book Real Life with Mary: Growing in Virtue to Magnify the Lord Get...

Rosary for Complainers | Complaints of the Saints

Pray Print Listen inspired by the book Complaints of the Saints: Stumbling upon Holiness with a Crabby Mystic Get...

Rosary for Moms Raising Littles | In the Trenches

Pray Print Listen  inspired by the book In the Trenches: Finding God through Parenting Littles Get the Book


The Liturgical Year | Shepherds to the Rescue

Print inspired by the book Gospel TimeTrekkers #1: Shepherds to the Rescue Get the Book


The Barque of Peter | Danger at Sea

Print inspired by the book Gospel TimeTrekkers #3: Danger at Sea Get the Book


Jesus and the Eucharist | Braving the Storm

Print inspired by the book Gospel TimeTrekkers #2: Braving the Storm Get the Book


Chaplet to the Holy Spirit | The Sanctifier

Spotify YouTube Amazon Apple Music inspired by the book The Sanctifier: The Classic Work on the Holy Spirit...