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Evangelization & Outreach

Bringing the Gospel to the Culture

In the Footsteps of Saint Paul

As Daughters of St. Paul, we model everything we do after the example of Saint Paul the Apostle who traveled the ancient world, bringing the Gospel to countless communities through the spoken and written word. Following in his footsteps, we believe in building up the body of Christ through personal encounters and fostering strong community relationships. From our book fairs that connect God’s people with resources for their faith journey to speaking engagementsparish missions, and pastoral work that allow us to accompany them on the way, we are committed to living in communion with a Church on the move.

Book Fairs

Like our patron Saint Paul, we are always on the road bringing the Good News to God’s people. From our book centers, we travel with our resources across the USA and Canada, hosting book fairs at parishes, schools, and conferences. 

To inquire about having a book fair and/or inviting a sister to speak at your parish, school, or conference, contact our evangelization team near you.

Speaking Engagements & Parish Missions

As part of our communications ministry, we give presentations and talks at parishes, schools, religious education programs, young adult events, and Catholic conferences. We cover a wide variety of topics, including prayer and spiritual growth, Eucharistic spirituality and holiness, healing and hope in the crises of life, Pauline spirituality, vocational discernment, and media mindfulness, for a variety of audiences. We also guide prayer experiences such as Eucharistic Adoration, and offer mornings of recollection, retreats, and parish missions.

To inquire about inviting a sister to speak, reach out to us below.

Aparecida Center | Centro Aparecida​

The Aparecida Center is the primary U.S. distributor of the Portuguese-language publications of the Daughters of St. Paul and the Society of St. Paul. We also carry a variety of other catechetical resources from Catholic publishers in Brazil, working both locally and nationally to provide pastoral care to Brazilian Catholic communities.

Hispanic Apostolate | Apostolado Hispano

Korean Mission Office | 한국어

In collaboration with the Daughters of St. Paul in Korea, we are able to serve the Korean Catholic communities of the U.S. and Canada with an extensive, frequently-updated catalog of books. Through mission trips and online outreach, we imbue our resources with a personal touch as we journey with the people we serve through the North American immigrant experience.