
Media Mindfulness

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A Litany of Saints…for Anime

Are you, or others in your life, somehow touched by anime? Join me in praying this litany, and scroll past the litany to discover a special intention for each saint. …

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Canticle of Praise for the Media – A Prayer for Our Media World

Based on the writings of their founder, Blessed James Alberione, the Daughters of St Paul have created the “Canticle...

Digital Best Practices for Parents – and the rest of us!

As Catholics, we appreciate media and media technology and want to be an “active, listening presence” in the “new...

Your Choices Mater… so T.H.I.N.K.

Just about everyday I enjoy plugging into social media to check out the latest viral videos. Recently, I came...

“But TV makes it look so normal!” – Media Normalize Behavior

Media stories are usually a mixed bag When I give presentations to Catholic catechists and parents about media they...