Are you, or others in your life, somehow touched by anime? Join me in praying this litany, and scroll past the litany to discover a special intention for each saint.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Seibo Maria, Holy Mother, pray for us.
St. Joseph, most chaste, pray for us.
Sts. Joachim and Anne, grandparents of Christ, pray for us.
St. Peter, pray for us.
St. Paul, pray for us.
St. Luke the Evangelist, pray for us.
St. Lydia of Philippi, pray for us.
St. Anthony of Egypt, pray for us.
St. Mary of Egypt, pray for us.
St. Augustine of Hippo, pray for us.
St. Benedict of Nursia, pray for us.
St. Dominic, pray for us.
St. Francis of Assisi, pray for us.
St. Ignatius of Loyola, pray for us.
St. Francis Xavier, pray for us.
St. Paul Miki (of the 26 Martyrs of Japan), pray for us.
Bl. Justo Takayama Ukon, pray for us.
St. Caius of Korea (of the 205 Martyrs of Japan), pray for us.
St. Magdalene of Nagasaki (of the 205 Martyrs of Japan), pray for us.
St. Lorenzo Ruiz, pray for us.
All your martyrs of Japan, pray for us.
St. Thérèse of Lisieux, pray for us.
St. Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us.
Bl. James Alberione, pray for us.
Bl. Timothy Giaccardo, pray for us.
Bl. Carlo Acutis, pray for us.
Let us pray: O God, you draw us to yourself through the greatest story ever told. May we share in your wondrous story for all eternity. Amen.

Seibo Maria, Holy Mother
Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ, and mother to all the faithful. She has a mother’s heart for all people. Under the title ‘Seibo Maria’ we particularly invoke her heart for the people of Japan, who began and continue the powerful storytelling of anime. Mary always comes to bring Jesus to us, and to bring us to Jesus. We ask for her intercession, that the precious hearts of the Japanese, so powerfully reflected in the storytelling and art of anime, may come to know, receive, and share the gift of Jesus.
Saint Joseph, most chaste
Saint Joseph, the husband of Mary, stands as a witness to the strength, beauty, power, fulfillment, and fruitfulness of a chaste life. Recognizing the prominence of fan service within certain genres of anime, and recognizing the radically counter-cultural reality of a purpose-filled life of chastity, we ask Saint Joseph to intercede for creators and viewers of anime stories. May they discover and celebrate the strength, beauty, and purpose of a chaste heart in men and women alike.
Saints Joachim and Anne, grandparents of Christ
Saint Joachim and Saint Anne knew the realities of marriage and of grandparenting in older age. We ask their intercession for the messages of anime toward the elderly—that stories may encourage a deep respect for our elders and encourage us in caring for them. We also ask their intercession for veteran grandparent-aged creators of anime, such as Hayao Miyazaki, who continue to shape the minds and hearts of generations with their work.
Saint Peter
Saint Peter was a small-town Jewish fisherman who had no idea that he would one day be called to lead the Church of his Lord, Messiah, and Friend in sharing the Good News with his fellow Jews and with the Gentiles. We ask his intercession for all who create, distribute, and watch anime as part of their everyday lives and have not yet discovered the call of their Lord, Savior, and Friend.
Saint Paul
Saint Paul began as a proud and determined persecutor of the Church and ended as a humble and steadfast proclaimer of Christ. Most of us here today would never have heard of Jesus had it not been for Paul. Saint Paul used all the means of communication at his disposal to share Christ with other. He encouraged people, called them to conversion, and guided them in deepening their relationships with Jesus. We ask his intercession for all Christians who work in anime fields, that they may witness with humility and zeal to the transformational love and mercy of Christ.
Saint Luke the Evangelist
Saint Luke was an early convert and doctor who wrote an eloquent and beautiful Gospel, and, according to tradition, created the first icon (image) of Mary. His deep faith in Christ and his devotion to meticulous, accurate, and artistic storytelling make him a perfect intercessor for all the mangaka active in storytelling, who so often influence and guide the stories told in anime.
Saint Lydia of Philippi
Saint Lydia of Philippi was an early gentile convert to Christianity. She met Jesus through Paul and his missionary companions when they found themselves gathered for prayer alongside the same river. Lydia traded in purple cloth and was known for her radical hospitality. We ask her intercession for all those who seek to build community, foster friendships, and share Christ through anime communities.
Saint Anthony of Egypt
A man of deep contemplation who wanted nothing to stand between him and Christ, Saint Anthony left his life of comfort and wealth to go into the desert and pray. As one who had to contend with his own sinfulness and weakness and thus appreciate the faithfulness of Christ in a new way, he is a powerful intercessor for all who must discern which stories to engage with in the media—which will bring them closer to Christ, and which may distance their minds, wills, and hearts from Christ. We ask his intercession for all Christians who watch anime, for guidance from the Holy Spirit in the discernment of how to engage with this medium alongside the Lord.
Saint Mary of Egypt
Saint Mary of Egypt had a difficult life, both before and after her conversion. Yet, she is one of the most beloved women saints of the ancient Church. Saint Mary knows what it is like to live with a sex addiction, she knows what it is like to pursue the gratification of that addiction without scruple. She also knows what it is like to realize she has been made for much more, and to turn to the Lord for healing and redemption. Since certain genres of anime promote and foster sexual sin and addiction, St. Mary stands as a powerful intercessor for the conversion of people actively creating pornographic content, as well as for persons consuming it. We ask her intercession for their transformation, liberation, and healing.
Saint Augustine of Hippo
Saint Augustine is not only a doctor of the Church who experienced a radical conversion—he is also the patron saint of the Augustinians. Augustinian missionaries reached Japan in 1602 to bring the Gospel to the local people, and many Japanese Catholics became Augustinians (religious or lay members). Among the 205 martyrs of Japan are Augustinians from Japan, Spain, Portugal, and Mexico, including Japanese lay catechist Andrew Yoshida and catechist–interpreter Magdalene of Nagasaki, who was martyred in her tertiary Augustinian habit. We ask St. Augustine to intercede for efforts in the Japanese anime community to share the good news of Jesus Christ with those who need the Lord.
Saint Benedict of Nursia
Founder of the Benedictines and renowned for his intense prayer life and closeness to God, Saint Benedict was no stranger to facing the reality of evil and allowing the goodness of Christ to triumph over it. As a result, he is a friend to Catholics around the world who are struggling with temptation, experiencing spiritual warfare, or seeking the Lord’s protection. We ask St. Benedict’s intercession for all who perpetuate, encounter, or are enticed by evil within or through the anime industry. May the Lord deliver them.
Saint Dominic
Founder and patron of the Dominican order, Saint Dominic had a special charism for imparting the faith. As founder of the Dominicans, he was also patron to 16 of the Martyrs of Japan—Dominican priests, brothers, consecrated virgins, and third order lay persons. Among this group were members from Japan, Spain, France, Italy, and the Philippines. We ask his intercession for all those who seek to impart wisdom through anime, that they may be inspired by and dedicated to the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
Saint Francis of Assisi
Founder of the Franciscans and dedicated to the poor and humble Jesus, Saint Francis was the special patron of many of the first 26 martyrs of Japan who died alongside the famous Japanese Jesuit, Paul Miki. These Franciscans included several missionary priests and many local Japanese tertiaries. We ask Saint Francis’s intercession for those who seek to create or consume more and more anime in the attempt to fill a void within themselves—an empty space that is longing for Christ. May they encounter and accept the only One who can fill that void and satisfy that longing.
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Founder of the Jesuit order, Saint Ignatius of Loyola is special patron of the Jesuits of Japan, including the beloved Japanese Jesuit martyr, Saint Paul Miki. We ask Saint Ignatius to intercede for Christians in Japan who seek to share Jesus with their families, friends, and co-workers, but face fears of judgement, ridicule, or rejection.
Saint Francis Xavier
The earliest Jesuit missionary to Japan Saint Francis Xavier had a deep love and respect for the Japanese people and Japanese culture. We ask his intercession especially for anime storytellers who communicate human realities, virtues, and values through a Japanese lens to viewers across the globe.
Saint Paul Miki (of the 26 Martyrs of Japan)
A Japanese Jesuit priest, Saint Paul Miki is the best known of the first 26 Martyrs of Japan. Saint Paul Miki was a powerful speaker who knew and loved his people and longed for them to accept the redemption of Christ. We ask his intercession for the families of all who work in the anime industry, especially for those working in Japan, that they may come to know and accept the saving love of Christ.
Blessed Justo Takayama Ukon
Blessed Justo Takayama was a Japanese daimyō and samurai. He received baptism at the age of 12, but then drifted from his faith. Around the age of 20, he came face-to-face with death during a coming-of-age ritual which required a duel to the death. He won the duel by killing his opponent and suffered serious wounds himself. This experience caused him to reconsider the faith he had drifted from and to re-examine his life. He renounced his samurai status and duties in order to re-dedicate himself to Christ. During the rise of Christian persecution in Japan, he refused to denounce his Catholic faith. As a result, he was stripped of his lands and exiled to the Philippines along with 300 other Japanese Christians. There, he lived humbly, serving the Christian community until his death. As a daimyō and samurai, Blessed Justo Takayama personally experienced many harsh realities now romanticized in various anime. We ask his intercession for all who create and consume these stories for entertainment, that they too may discover the true and worthy Way in Christ.
Saint Caius of Korea (of the 205 Martyrs of Japan)
Saint Caius is one of 4 Koreans included among the 205 Japanese martyrs. Born in Korea to a Buddhist family, he was given to a Buddhist monastery by his parents, but abandoned the monastery while seeking the depth of peace that he could not find there. He was taken prisoner during the 1592 Japanese invasion of Korea. After nearly dying on the journey to Japan, he first encountered Christianity through a Japanese Christian named Caius who nursed him back to health. After quite a spiritual journey, he converted to Catholicism and received Baptism. Caius served Justo Takayama during his exile to the Philippines, then returned to Japan as a catechist. There he was martyred. We ask St. Caius to intercede for all who create or distribute anime stories in countries outside Japan, that they may do so with a heart for the people who will receive these stories.
Saint Magdalene of Nagasaki (of the 205 Martyrs of Japan)
Saint Magdalene of Nagasaki was a devout and zealous Japanese convert who became an Augustinian tertiary (third order member). She served as a catechist and interpreter alongside the Augustinian missionaries. Witnessing the growing persecution of her Christian brothers and sisters, she voluntarily turned herself in to the authorities as a follower of Christ. She was subsequently arrested, mocked, tortured, and killed. St. Magdalene stands as a formidable example of readiness to share in the cross of Christ and of encouragement to her Christian brothers and sisters regardless of the consequences. Because of her work as an interpreter, we ask her intercession for all who work in the subtitling and dubbing of anime, and for all who experience anime through this work.

Saint Lorenzo Ruiz
Saint Lorenzo Ruiz was a Filipino layman who boarded a ship to Japan to escape prosecution on his home island. He ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time—a Catholic in Japan when that land had just outlawed Christianity. Lorenzo refused to deny his faith and was martyred along with the Catholic missionaries on the same ship. We ask him to intercede for all Christians involved in international anime fandoms, comic cons, or friend groups where their faith may set them apart from others. May they confidently live and share the charity of the truth in these circles.
Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
Despite living much of her life enclosed in a cloister, Saint Thérèse had a longing for everyone to know Christ. Her determined prayer life, tender letters to missionaries, and impactful writings have led to her being named a patron saint of missionaries along with the far-traveling Saint Francis Xavier. We ask her intercession for all who create or consume anime that tell grand stories while feeling that their own personal lives are small or meaningless. May they discover the incredible meaning and impact that the smallest and most mundane things can have when united to Christ.
Saint Maximilian Kolbe
Because Saint Maximilian Kolbe was martyred in a Nazi concentration camp during WWII, many people aren’t aware that Kolbe had previously spent several years in Japan as a Franciscan missionary. Saint Maximilian Kolbe and his brother Franciscans established an important Catholic newsletter in Japanese, bringing the Gospel and solid catechesis to many. While in Japan, Saint Maximilian was treated by a young doctor—Takashi Nagai—who would later become a beacon of Christ’s radical forgiveness after surviving the WWII nuclear bombing of Nagasaki. Takashi Nagai was declared a Servant of God after passing away from radiation cancer. We ask Saint Maximilian to intercede for all those working in the anime industry and those viewing their work whose hearts are searching for ‘something more,’ but who have not yet encountered Christ or been received into the sacramental life of the Church.
Blessed James Alberione
As a young priest in Italy, Father James Alberione founded the Daughters of St Paul, a congregation of women religious dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel through the media. Alongside the mission of evangelizing through the media, Father Alberione imparted to the Sisters a spirituality deeply rooted in the Word of God and the Eucharist. The Daughters of St Paul intercede for those who work in and are impacted by the media, and specifically pray in reparation for the sins committed by and through the media. We ask Blessed James to intercede for all who encounter, perpetuate, encourage, or are led into sin through the anime industry, as well as for those striving to promote and share goodness, truth, and beauty.
Blessed Timothy Giaccardo
The first priest of the Society of St Paul, another of the congregations founded by Blessed James Alberione, was Blessed Timothy Giaccardo. This good Pauline priest was a kind-hearted confessor and stalwart pillar of faith in Italy during the misery of World War I and World War II. He was beatified following a confirmed miraculous healing of a religious sister dying of bilateral pulmonary tuberculosis in a sanitorium in Japan. After her miraculous healing, the head physician of the sanitorium, along with his children, converted to Catholicism. We ask Blessed Timothy to intercede for anime fans, especially hardcore otakus, who are in deep need of the healing sacrament of Confession but face hurdles of fear, apathy, or judgement that are preventing them from approaching the sacrament.
Blessed Carlo Acutis
Carlo is the first beatified saint that we know watched anime! Carlo Acutis was a millennial who loved soccer, gaming, and Pokémon. But he loved Jesus more. Carlo had a deep devotion to Christ in the Eucharist, and he longed for others to encounter the Eucharistic Lord in a life-changing way. We ask his intercession for all who currently spend more time before screens watching anime than they do before the Lord in prayer. May they come to find the ultimate grandeur, beauty, comfort, and inspiration in Christ in the Eucharist. Carlo Acutis will be canonized a saint in April 2025, during the Jubilee of Teenagers.