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Sr. Fay Josephine Pele

Get to Know Sr. Fay Josephine Pele

Sr. Fay Josephine hails from the beautiful island of Samoa. Music and dance are essential to the Samoan culture. Sr. Fay entered the Daughters of St. Paul because she realized she could share her gift of music with others.

“What I enjoy about singing with the choir is that I get to meet so many people who are searching for the Lord. Hearing peoples’ conversion stories, especially those in which music has played a role, makes me want to sing 24/7.”

Evangelizing in the sphere of communications

We merge faith with contemporary media to spread the Gospel through diverse digital platforms.

Discern Your Vocation

Deepen your relationship with God, envision your life through His eyes, and crave His will for you. Be attentive to your innermost desires, your unique gifts, and how you can serve others with all that you are.