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Sr. Mary Martha Moss

Get to Know Sr. Mary Martha Moss

Sr. Mary Martha was born and raised in Houma, Louisiana, where she loved crawfishing on the bayou and riding her horse on the levee. She now delights in singing her part (alto!) for the Lord. Sr. Martha has shared faith and life with others by serving at our Pauline Books & Media Centers in New York, California, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Massachusetts; hosting faith and media workshops, vocation retreats, presentations, and faith formation for young adults; and writing for children.

“I love being a Daughter of St. Paul because I get to be a handmaid of God, belonging totally to him and, at the same time, belonging to people everywhere as their sister, called to pray for them, love them, and do what I can to make their world a better place.”

Evangelizing in the sphere of communications

We merge faith with contemporary media to spread the Gospel through diverse digital platforms.

Discern Your Vocation

Deepen your relationship with God, envision your life through His eyes, and crave His will for you. Be attentive to your innermost desires, your unique gifts, and how you can serve others with all that you are.