Pauline Books & Media Publishing

Forming generations of Catholics in faith and life

Award-Winning Publisher of Catholic Books for Families

We are committed to creating high-quality, trustworthy Catholic books and resources that respond to the real needs of Catholic families and individuals with the hope of the Gospel. For over a century, our mission has united the prayers and talents of consecrated religious sisters, authors, illustrators, and designers to produce transformative, award-winning books that invite people into a deeper and more dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ and his Church. Inspired by Saint Paul the Apostle, Pauline Books & Media Publishing continues Paul’s mission in the world today by proclaiming Jesus Christ through the creative power of the Word: written, spoken, animated, and illustrated.

Eucharistic Amazement

Media Fasting


God Made That

Eli's Quiet Friend

Meet Our Authors

Passionate about reaching out to real people who are grappling with the challenges of living their faith in today’s world, our authors strive to provide authentic resources that are firmly grounded in our Catholic identity. 

Come Publish with Us

Have an idea for a great book? Our award-winning team of religious sisters, editors, and creatives knows that great books don’t just happen. We accompany authors through a collaborative process of prayer, creative input, and thoughtful research so that, together, we can proclaim the Gospel through beautiful, trustworthy books that respond to the real needs of Catholic families today. 

We publish practical spirituality that integrates faith and life, with an emphasis on books for children, teens, young adults, and families. See our submission guidelines for complete information on the kinds of books we publish and how to share your manuscript with us. Follow us on FacebookXInstagram, and YouTube for the latest news from our publishing house. You can also connect with our editors as they share writing and publishing tips with the hashtag #WritetoShareChrist. For all other inquiries, please first read the Submission Guidelines carefully and if your question is not covered, email us at

When you become part of the Pauline Books and Media Publishing family, here are a few things you can expect:

Rights and Permissions

We are happy to process requests for photocopies, licensing, and other permissions. Please fill out the appropriate form below and direct your inquiries to:

Business Office
50 St. Paul’s Avenue
Boston, MA 02130

For Illustrators

You can contact if you are interested in collaborating with us as an illustrator or graphic designer. 

Pauline Books and Media
Design Department
50 St. Paul’s Ave.
Boston, MA 02130

Our Story

In 1932 the Daughters of St. Paul arrived in the States from Italy. By 1934 we began producing Catholic books here in North America. Our first editions were rudimentary at best, but with great faith and much effort our sisters grew in wisdom, age, grace, and technical skill in this publishing apostolate.

We share this history of communicating the Gospel in written and audio visual “languages” with our 1,800 sisters publishing in various countries around the world.