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Media Fast Challenge | Break Through Anxiety and Addiction!
Break free of media addiction, anxiety, sluggishness, apathy, and anger in your media use. Don’t just give up social media
Rosary for Moms: Prayer for Those in the Trenches
Pray the Rosary with Kelsey Gillespy, mother of five and author of In the Trenches: Finding God through Parenting Littles!
’Twas the Day Before Christmas in Bethlehem Town (Book Trailer)
Twas the Day Before Christmas in Bethlehem Town is a heartwarming, read-aloud Nativity storybook that brings first-century Bethlehem to life
The Book that Changed Everything Series: Bible Read-Aloud with Sr. Allison—The Easter Story
The Easter Story, Read by Sr. Allison Regina, the author of The Book that Changed Everything, now available!
God Loves the Autistic Mind: Autistic-Friendly Book Design
Fr. Matthew Schneider talks about his book, God Loves the Autistic Mind: Prayer Guide for Those on the Spectrum and
Mysterion: The Revelatory Power of the Sacramental Worldview (Watch for Free!)
Discover the vision at the heart of Christianity that helps us see the whole created world as a sacrament that
Choir Albums
Come to Bethlehem
He Is Born: A Christmas Concert with the Daughters of St. Paul
Glorious Night: A Christmas Concert with the Daughters of St. Paul
Your Love Carries Me: Songs of Strength
Handmaiden of the Lord: Songs of Mary
Our Christmas Hope
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Dare to Dwell Podcast

Bonus Episode: Using Media to Witness to Christ with Fr. Cassidy Stinson

In today’s episode, Sr. Allison Regina and Sr. Julie Benedicta are joined by Fr. Cassidy Stinson to share their reflections on living as media apostles in the world.

Dare to Dwell Podcast

S05 E14: Discernment: What’s love got to do with it?

In today’s episode, Sr. Orianne Pietra René and Sr. Julie Benedicta are joined by Sr. Emily Beata in a conversation about discernment, the will of God, pitfalls we can fall into, and tips for making a good discernment about big or little things.

Dare to Dwell Podcast

S05 E13: Longing for a Good Father

In today’s episode, Sr. Orianne Pietra René and Sr. Julie Benedicta discuss chapters 15 & 16 of The Sanctifier, which emphasize love for the Father and how our longings can bring us into conformity with God’s will.

Spoken Word Audio

Thoughtfully prepared for busy Catholic families on the go, our audio resources offer authentic prayer experiences inspired by our Pauline Books & Media publications.

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